Interior Designer Website Homepage Example
The homepage for this interior design and home staging website has two large images that allow click-throughs to service pages.

Portfolio Webpage Example
This portfolio page has a two-column grid of images. When the images are clicked on they take the visitor to the project page.

Blog Article Webpage Example
This blog article webpage example features large images. it is built without a sidebar so that the reader can simply view the article.

About Webpage Example
This about page example has a staggered layout with portraits in an image block and a line block that separates each biography.

Contact Us Webpage Example
This contact us webpage example has a form block with a set of radio buttons designed to show a minimum cost and gather additional information before a call.

Services Webpage Example
This services webpage example has minimal copy and is intended to feature the image. If SEO is a consideration, continuous blog posting is required to keep your site seen in search engines.

Logo Design
Once a logo is designed, a multiple versions are provided with a variety of color options.

Architectural Photography
Photographs of this French Country Kitchen were used on the website.